What is the FPR-C?The FPR-C is the skills complement to FCRA’s FPR and is a voluntary (optional) skills examination. In order to be eligible to sit for the FPR-C, a candidate must:
Click here for the full outline and procedures regarding the FPR-C's inaugural offering which was held June 25, 2021. Please note: A candidate may take the FPR-C before taking the FPR, but may not use the initials “FPR-C” until the candidate successfully passes the FPR modules and test. At this time, the FPR-C is only given live at FCRA's annual conventions.
What is reciprocity and do I qualify?
A candidate who wishes to use the FPR-C designation but does not wish to test may use the FPR-C designation if they meet the following criteria:
FPR-C reciprocity requires one of the following items which must attached with this registration form or submitted with your payment:
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Where do I sign up for the FPR-C skills testing or apply for reciprocity?SKILLS TESTING The inaugural FPR-C skills testing took place on June 25, 2021, during the 2021 Annual Convention. The next FPR-C skills testing will be held at FCRA's annual convention, Friday, June 21, 2024, at The Westin in Sarasota, Florida. RECIPROCITY APPLICATION Click here to apply instantly using the Reciprocity form. -or- Click here to download a mailable and/or e-mailable PDF form. I need to take the FPR seminar and examination. How can I do that?Stay tuned for information regarding our next online FPR seminar and examination in the fall of 2024. ____________________________ Still have questions? Please email [email protected] *A candidate may take the FPR-C before taking the FPR, but may not use the initials “FPR-C” until the candidate successfully passes the FPR modules and test. A candidate who wishes to take the modules and examination for the FPR certification must be a participating member of FCRA. The Florida Professional Reporter and FPR designations are trademarks of the Florida Court Reporters Association. |