What is the FPR-C?

The FPR-C is the skills complement to FCRA’s FPR and is a voluntary (optional) skills examination. In order to be eligible to sit for the FPR-C, a candidate must:

  • Be a current member of FCRA*;
  • Be a steno or voice writer;
  • Provide his or her own laptop and CAT software for testing; and
  • Have the ability to email his or her test papers to the Committee for grading.

Click here for the full outline and procedures regarding the FPR-C's inaugural offering which was held June 25, 2021. 

Please note:   A candidate may take the FPR-C before taking the FPR, but may not use the initials “FPR-C” until the candidate successfully passes the FPR modules and test.  At this time, the FPR-C is only given live at FCRA's annual conventions.  


What is reciprocity and do I qualify?

A candidate who wishes to use the FPR-C designation but does not wish to test may use the FPR-C designation if they meet the following criteria:

  • Be a current FPR or pass the FPR before being eligible to use the FPR-C designation through reciprocity;
  • Be a current member of NCRA (National Court Reporters Association) or NVRA (National Verbatim Reporters Association) and show proof to the Committee of their current membership status; and

  • Successfully passed at least one of the RPR, RMR, RDR, CRR, or CRC skills examinations awarded by NCRA; or successfully passed at least one the CVR, CVR-S, CM, CM-S, MVR, MVR-S, RVR-M, RVR-M-S, RVR, RVR-S skills examinations awarded by NVRA. 

FPR-C reciprocity requires one of the following items which must attached with this registration form or submitted with your payment: 

  • Current NCRA CEU Cycle Transcript with certifications listed.  (Click here to access your transcript on NCRA’s website) 

- or - 

  • Letter from NCRA, on NCRA letterhead, indicating your current membership status and qualifying certification achieved (RPR or higher)

Where do I sign up for the FPR-C skills testing or apply for reciprocity?


The inaugural FPR-C skills testing took place on June 25, 2021, during the 2021 Annual Convention.  The next FPR-C skills testing will be held at FCRA's annual convention, Friday, June 21, 2024, at The Westin in Sarasota, Florida. 


Click here to apply instantly using the Reciprocity form.


Click here to download a mailable and/or e-mailable PDF form.

I need to take the FPR seminar and examination.  How can I do that?

Stay tuned for information regarding our next online FPR seminar and examination in the fall of 2024.


Still have questions?  Please email [email protected]

*A candidate may take the FPR-C before taking the FPR, but may not use the initials “FPR-C” until the candidate successfully passes the FPR modules and test.  A candidate who wishes to take the modules and examination for the FPR certification must be a participating member of FCRA.

The Florida Professional Reporter and FPR designations are trademarks of the Florida Court Reporters Association.